


Timidly joining in

One Good Thing: Love surely must be blind, or very forgiving, because people who tell me they love me do not appear to notice all my flaws. Don't tell them, OK?
One Funny Thing: I spent all last weekend trying to keep my toes covered because I had forgotten to take off my polish and 18th century Indian women didn't paint their toenails.
One Weird Thing: I can't make up my mind lately. It goes beyond indecisive and into borderless fuzz. I don't know what I want to do, what to eat, where to go, where to live, what job to do, or anything. Pretty weird?
One God Thing: He has never left me totally flapping in the breeze.
One Music Thing: It is extremely hard to stay angry while you listen to Celtic music.
One Book Thing: I just couldn't get into reading Janissary Tree so I didn't finish it and wish the book club would stop picking middle eastern settings and themes just because one guy likes them. I do like going to the restaurant and seeing the rest of the folks though.