One Good Thing: The last four or five days have been sunny, occasionally windy, but not super-cold. I'm trying not to get too excited about spring, however, my allergies are kicking up so I think it's actually coming. Hurrah!
One Funny Thing: Watched a "memory" video on Facebook this morning and have, as a result, had "Baby Shark" stuck in my head all day.
One Weird Thing: This book I'm reading--Million Mile Road Trip*--is really trippy (no pun intended) and I think I might need to be high to fully get into the spirit of it. Mostly I'm finishing it to see what other random weirdness the author throws in.
One God Thing: It's Lent. At work, someone is fasting for ‘Alá’ which makes my paltry no-booze-extra-praying seem pretty weak. No way could I do what she's doing: no food and not even water from sunup to sundown for three weeks!
One Music Thing: I cued up the Mary Martin version of The Sound of Music album on Spotify and sang it through while I paid bills today. I'm definitely weird.
One Book Thing: I did NOT enjoy the Pullman book.* It was all scenery movement, getting people into position for the last book and confusing and sad and boring. Now I'm reading a book that's more interesting but less well-written and having to adjust to that.
* not linking because I do not recommend
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