One Good Thing: Vacation
One Funny Thing: Evan, even though he has no sense of humor and can't take a joke--when he tries at all, he makes me laugh
One Weird Thing: In the guest book for the house we rented last week there were multiple comments about how the hot-tub smelled like "70 lbs. of ass." What does that smell like exactly? Well, surprisingly, when we got in the hot tub, I found out. Eeeuw.
One God Thing: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26)
One Music Thing: Haven't listened to much music this week, but at TGIFriday's yesterday, there was an interesting juxtaposition of Anna Nalick's Breathe followed by Creed's One Last Breath.
One Book Thing: Jennifer Crusie writes good, funny romance-y stuff.
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