One Good Thing: The last four or five days have been sunny, occasionally windy, but not super-cold. I'm trying not to get too excited about spring, however, my allergies are kicking up so I think it's actually coming. Hurrah!
One Funny Thing: Watched a "memory" video on Facebook this morning and have, as a result, had "Baby Shark" stuck in my head all day.
One Weird Thing: This book I'm reading--Million Mile Road Trip*--is really trippy (no pun intended) and I think I might need to be high to fully get into the spirit of it. Mostly I'm finishing it to see what other random weirdness the author throws in.
One God Thing: It's Lent. At work, someone is fasting for ‘Alá’ which makes my paltry no-booze-extra-praying seem pretty weak. No way could I do what she's doing: no food and not even water from sunup to sundown for three weeks!
One Music Thing: I cued up the Mary Martin version of The Sound of Music album on Spotify and sang it through while I paid bills today. I'm definitely weird.
One Book Thing: I did NOT enjoy the Pullman book.* It was all scenery movement, getting people into position for the last book and confusing and sad and boring. Now I'm reading a book that's more interesting but less well-written and having to adjust to that.
* not linking because I do not recommend
1 Good Thing...
One Good Thing some Other Things

Sunday night
One Good Thing: Two full weekend days of sunshine and (relatively) warm outdoor temperatures. Neighbors in their garages cleaning and doing warm weather things. Absolutely glorious.
One Funny Thing: Beast was delightful today in the car. We drove to [resort town north of us] to look at the lake. No walking--too much wind--but blue sky, signs of the ice breaking up a bit, and just really lovely. He was 'sneaking' DD Munchkins and did not want lunch.
One Weird Thing: One of Beast's hall-mates invited herself into his room while I was waking him up this morning because she wanted to beg a couple of Munchkins. Then she wouldn't leave, so I had to tell her Beast was changing clothes so she needed to leave. As I wheeled her out, she said I reminded her of her mom, who died. So did her dad. [she's at least a decade older than me so, I mean...]
One God Thing: I gave up booze for Lent. I'm trying to read a devotional in the morning and there's a poster thingy that was handed out at Bible Study last week, so I'm looking at that in the evenings. So far, super easy evening activities; mornings have been a little more difficult to remember.
One Music Thing: I need to add some tunes to [Beast]'s playlist on Spotify. There's gotta be 200 songs, but we've listened to it a lot and I'm tired of them all. Hello, more late 70s-early 80s tunes!
One Book Thing: Still lumbering through the Philip Pullman book. I need to re-read the first trilogy; I've forgotten so much.
One Funny Thing: Beast was delightful today in the car. We drove to [resort town north of us] to look at the lake. No walking--too much wind--but blue sky, signs of the ice breaking up a bit, and just really lovely. He was 'sneaking' DD Munchkins and did not want lunch.
One Weird Thing: One of Beast's hall-mates invited herself into his room while I was waking him up this morning because she wanted to beg a couple of Munchkins. Then she wouldn't leave, so I had to tell her Beast was changing clothes so she needed to leave. As I wheeled her out, she said I reminded her of her mom, who died. So did her dad. [she's at least a decade older than me so, I mean...]
One God Thing: I gave up booze for Lent. I'm trying to read a devotional in the morning and there's a poster thingy that was handed out at Bible Study last week, so I'm looking at that in the evenings. So far, super easy evening activities; mornings have been a little more difficult to remember.
One Music Thing: I need to add some tunes to [Beast]'s playlist on Spotify. There's gotta be 200 songs, but we've listened to it a lot and I'm tired of them all. Hello, more late 70s-early 80s tunes!
One Book Thing: Still lumbering through the Philip Pullman book. I need to re-read the first trilogy; I've forgotten so much.
Thursday night
One Good Thing: Podcasts in general. Actually, Spotify, because if I get tired of talking I can switch back over to music.
One Weird Thing: I dreamed that Patrick Stewart was the new host of The Price is Right, wearing really weird clothes and doing a not-very-good job of it.
One God Thing: "Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires." Psalm 51:11
One Music Thing: Been running this through my head all day:
He ran into my knife ... ten times.
Sunday night
One Good Thing: Beast and I had a good "date" tonight: a stop at Ace to examine the garden and yard section, a stop at his namesake drive thru for a burger for him, a drive around some neighborhoods, and then a trip for ice cream. He was in a much better mood afterwards. And right on point, alert and oriented the whole time.
One God Thing: "Desist from anger, and forsake fury, Fret not thyself only to do evil." --Psalm 37:8 (YLT)
One Music Thing: It's astonishing how closely Evita (the musical) parallels the people in the White House right now.
One Book Thing: No changes since last night to speak of. I did stack about two shelves' worth of books on my desk today in the process of cataloging them. We've (re-)entered Skinny Book Land....yeep.
One Funny Thing:
One Weird Thing: Wandering around Ace Hardware in fear of Beast collapsing when I really need to buy a new toilet flush mechanism was weird. I was afraid to leave him to dash to the back of the store, but now I'll have to go back again on my own.One God Thing: "Desist from anger, and forsake fury, Fret not thyself only to do evil." --Psalm 37:8 (YLT)
One Music Thing: It's astonishing how closely Evita (the musical) parallels the people in the White House right now.
One Book Thing: No changes since last night to speak of. I did stack about two shelves' worth of books on my desk today in the process of cataloging them. We've (re-)entered Skinny Book Land....yeep.
Saturday night
One Good Thing: I have rediscovered my itch to write, to track, to be able to see where I was at certain times in what becomes my history. In fact, I was all set to start a(nother) blog when I rediscovered this one. So, hi from two years down the road.
One Funny Thing: Me, running (gasp! and I mean that literally) after someone today because I found their lost phone after they'd started out the front door of work. I will never be in shape again.
One Weird Thing: The last three days at work have been super-weird. Like full-moon weird, but it's actually about new-moon time. Everything from theft to peeing on chairs to harmonica-playing to screamy, in-your-face patrons. And Beast has been nightmarish too.
One God Thing: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love." --1 John 4:18 (NRSV)
One Music Thing: WHYYyyy do I still have brain cells that can regurgitate random 70s pop songs in full??
One Book Thing: I'm reading three books right now, including the first audiobook I've had out in probably 2 years. Bluetooth communication between car and phone is once again non-functional. I've also got the latest Philip Pullman Lyra book and something insanely weird about an alien place called Mappyworld.
One Funny Thing: Me, running (gasp! and I mean that literally) after someone today because I found their lost phone after they'd started out the front door of work. I will never be in shape again.
One Weird Thing: The last three days at work have been super-weird. Like full-moon weird, but it's actually about new-moon time. Everything from theft to peeing on chairs to harmonica-playing to screamy, in-your-face patrons. And Beast has been nightmarish too.
One God Thing: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love." --1 John 4:18 (NRSV)
One Music Thing: WHYYyyy do I still have brain cells that can regurgitate random 70s pop songs in full??
One Book Thing: I'm reading three books right now, including the first audiobook I've had out in probably 2 years. Bluetooth communication between car and phone is once again non-functional. I've also got the latest Philip Pullman Lyra book and something insanely weird about an alien place called Mappyworld.
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