One Good Thing: I'm home.
One Funny Thing: Brett Favre's high fives with the ref in today's game. His enthusiasm is adorable.
One Weird Thing: I seem to have acquired 10 packages of cereal within the last couple of weeks. I thought I didn't have any here, so I got some (on sale) while I was away. Came back to discover that I'd apparently just stocked up. It's not a big deal - I'll certainly eat it before it shows any age.
One God Thing: “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and your joy no one will take from you.” [John 16:22]
One Music Thing: When I have the free cash, I'll be buying Maroon 5's B Sides from iTunes.
One Book Thing: Actually, two book things: for Christmas, I received The Whole World Over - the nominal 'sequel' to Three Junes - by Julia Glass and Dewdrops on a Lotus Leaf: Zen Poems of RyĆkan (trans. by John Stevens).
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