


Sunday morning

One Good Thing: Sunny days and movement/squeezing from the right hand yesterday!
One Funny Thing: Last night's dream about making nail polish from supplies purchased online was pretty crazy.
One Weird Thing: Listening in the car to an audiobook/lecture called Brain Myths Exploded while Beast is experience brain damage is probably not something most people would do.

One God Thing: "The light of God surrounds me; The love of God enfolds me; The power of God protects me; The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is." (James Dillet Freeman)
One Music Thing: I listened to BPM while driving north yesterday. Completely mindless and perfect. Only recognized one artist--Avicii--and that was just fine.
One Book Thing: Aside from the Brain Myths thing, I didn't do much "reading" at all yesterday, except in bed: still working on the OED book.

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