


Sunday morning

One Good Thing: The ol' standby: the sun is shining, the sky is blue. Maybe this is what should go on my tombstone, sort of my mantra as I go whistling past the graveyards in life.
One Funny Thing: The MFM podcast, and The Dollop podcast, which caused a bladder emergency from over-laughing earlier this week.
One Weird Thing: I'm really failing at basic life stuff lately: laundry, cleaning, calling people back, grocery shopping. Is this how "normal" people do life?

One God Thing: Advent this year. Totally where I'm at. Haven't even opened the closet with Xmas decorations. I did get a roll of wrapping paper out to get prezzies ready for the Greats, and then I got them directly into the mail, but that's the full extent of my Holiday Plan. Oh, wait, I asked Sparky what he wants. The reply: oil filter, oil, and jeans. Adulting hitting hard this year for both of us.
One Music Thing: Why, even with hundreds of radio stations, can I never find one that doesn't piss me off inside of 10 minutes for assorted reasons? Spotify has ruined me forever.
One Book Thing: I'm reading Eddie Izzard's autobio right now. It's oddly much less raucous fun, and more like reading the life story of someone you used to know in college or whatever. Comforting. Clever, too, of course, and funny, but also quite British in the sense that I feel a little removed from the "plot."


Tuesday midday

One Good Thing: BLUE SKY! Although it seems to be fading to white now, but at least I saw a little blue today.
One Funny Thing: I'm listening to a bunch of Max Collins short stories about Nate Heller, set in Chicago in the 30s and 40s. The slang, the locations, the turns of phrase...I'm all Chicago-gal now. Plus my city makes an appearance in one of the stories, which was startling. And amusing.
One Weird Thing: Hmm, aside from the fact that I started this hours ago and have had a nap since then....

One God Thing: "But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded." (2 Chronicles 15:7)
One Music Thing: This guy is amazing.
One Book Thing: I just finished the latest by Philip Pullman, the first prequel to the Lyra books. Now I will need to go back and read those to understand who the people in this book become in those books.


Sunday, bedtime

One Good Thing: Check that time-stamp. I'm going to bed at 7 p.m. the day we moved the clocks. That gives me 12 hours in which to come up with 8 hours of good, deep, restful sleep. IRL, that will end up with 5 hours of rest. And I'll be ready to crash into a coma by 4 p.m. OK, wait, this is supposed to be a good thing, so ANY sleep is good sleep.
One Funny Thing: Beast was funny today again. He was also far more understandable. And he now has a tribble with which to terrorize the hospital staff.
One Weird Thing: What, a tribble isn't weird enough? I dunno, I don't think I can do better than that.

One God Thing: "Everything's got its time; everything has a season:
Birth times, death times. Planting times, harvest times. Killing times, healing times. Times to tear things down, times to build things up. Times to cry, times to laugh Times to grieve, times to party. Times to throw stones, times to collect them up. Times to hold someone close, times to hold back. There's a right time to turn the whole place upside down till you find something, a right time to write it off as lost. There's a time to hoard, there's a time to chuck things out; a time to tear things up, a time to repair things. Sometimes it's best to shut your mouth; other times it's crucial you speak up. There's a right time to love, a right time to hate; a right time for war, a right time for peace." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-14, Street Bible)
One Music Thing: I know the lyrics to every song released in the mid- to late-70s, at least the songs they play on the 70s station on XM. I'm wondering about my childhood and how much time I actually spent listening to the radio...(a lot!).
One Book Thing: If I decline any further in my reading skills, I will be reading Harlequins. Seriously, I'm hard-pressed to enjoy even the most mindless of entertainment these days. Maybe I should just give up and read some Nancy Drew and regress completely.


Thursday morning, early

One Good Thing: Daylight Savings starts Sunday. I get an extra hour. You know I'll be using it for sleep.
One Funny Thing: Driving home last night from the hospital on rain-slicked roads at night--at 70 mph--it occurred to me that listening to old Lore podcasts might not be a good choice for the drive.
One Weird Thing: I have had some seriously weird dreams. Last night involved a seriously hot Danish guy named Gunnar and my old neighborhood where I grew up. And Sparky. Yesterday morning, it was creepy kittens being born. My brain is working too hard.

One God Thing: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." (Colossians 3:15) I definitely need this today. I think today I'm going to (try to) be the sinuses.
One Music Thing: I think I need to cool the podcast listening at work today and get back to tunes. I haven't listened to anything much this week at all.
One Book Thing: I'm throwing in the towel on the current audiobook. It's very good but too "thinky" for me right now. I need to stick to plot-driven, no-subtext stuff. Plus, this one is about death in a very interesting-but-unhelpful way.


Saturday early morning

One Good Thing: They've taken the snow out of the forecast for today.
One Funny Thing: I've watched more M*A*S*H episodes in the last 6 weeks than I have in 30+ years. They aren't "funny" per se but they're like a comfy blanket and warm socks on a cold day.
One Weird Thing: Now that I'm "officially" diabetic, my eyesight seems to have stabilized for the first time in my life. Yesterday's appointment showed no changes to my Rx since last year and not much change in the year prior to that. Yay.

One God Thing: 'For “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” That word is the good news that was announced to you.' (Peter 1:24-25)
One Music Thing: It's been BeeGees week this week: on the drive home from Milwaukee the other day, I hit them twice on different XM stations. Then at work on Spotify shuffle Thursday. And on XM again twice on Thursday and Friday. And yesterday at the eye doctor.
Yes, I do still know all the words.
One Book Thing: I'm enmeshed in two very British books, one taking place in the past, the other in a steampunk alternative present (which has elements of historical stuff). Both take place near Oxford as well. I'm confused. I need to finish one or t'other of them and move on to random mysteries again. Somehow, those are easier for me to differentiate, although sometimes the werewolves from one series bleed into the fallen angels from another. [I read weird books lol]


Sunday evening

One Good Thing: I was granted 3 extra hours today unexpectedly. I thought I worked, but once I got there it turned out that I didn't. So that was nice.
One Funny Thing: Beast is interacting in his "normal" goofy way with the stuffed animal I brought to the hospital for him. It's pretty funny when he gets to laughing.
One Weird Thing: I could live without his weird eruptions into tears at random times. It's confusing everyone.

One God Thing: "What a joy it is to find just the right word for the right occasion!" Proverbs 15:23
One Music Thing: Sparky seems to think that I don't know ANYthing about music. He went to a concert last night; when I asked who he saw, his response was "You wouldn't know him." Oh? "Yeah, Andrew W.K." Uhm, yeah, duh, he's been around awhile. Definitely heard of him. Not a fan, but jeez, dude, I'm not ignorant!
One Book Thing: Finished three books this weekend.


Friday a.m.

One Good Thing: It's Friday. In the real world, that means a restful weekend. In my world, that means four hours of driving to visit Beast over the next two days, unsnarling more medical and legal issues, working 3.5 hours on Sunday and a missing the Packer game. I guess it's good to be busy, right?
One Funny Thing: I got nothin'.
One Weird Thing: I haven't cried in days. I need to cry; I can feel it, like when you need to use the bathroom in a place where there are no bathrooms to use. It's not painful yet, but it could get there. And I just can't cry.

One God Thing: "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."  Psalm 51:12
One Music Thing: Jim Croce just came on Spotify (at work) singing "I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song" and ... yeah:
Yeah, I know it's kind of strange
Every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say
I know you'd understand
One Book Thing: Top of the pile today: La Maravillosa Historia del Español. Another fun day of Spanish cataloging.


Wednesday evening

One Good Thing: Coded messages that I can't understand from Beast. It would be better news if I could crack the code, but I'll take "random letters" too.
One Funny Thing: I can't think of anything. Seriously, I can always find the absurd, but my eyesight is poor right now, I guess.
One Weird Thing: I'm still not crying very much. I guess that's ok, but, boy, when that other shoe drops, it's going to be brutal.

One God Thing: I keep thinking about the 99 sheep that Jesus left to go rescue the one lost sheep. The thoughts aren't that deep, but I do wonder why I'm so focused on the one person despite the dozens I've got in my corner. It's a little perverse.
One Music Thing: "That Girl Is On Fire" (Alicia Keys) was playing from the hospital loudspeaker as I left the building today. Seems appropriate.
One Book Thing: I'm in the midst of Trashy Novel Nirvana: four very different mysteries currently underway, and one waiting in the wings.


Saturday morning

One Good Thing: I'm reading a LOT more! In the past three weeks, I've read more books than in the previous couple of months. Partial reason: the TV isn't on all the time.
One Funny Thing: Beast appeared to flip off James and Don (the nephews) yesterday, on cue. Even he seemed to be giggling.
One Weird Thing: I've had a low-grade headache for about 27 straight hours, and a rampant case of tummy weirdness. Not exactly nausea, not heartburn, just feel bloated and full even when I'm hungry.

One God Thing: O God, you are my God. At dawn I search for you. My soul thirsts for you. My body longs for you in a dry, parched land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1)
One Music Thing:
One Book Thing: See first response. I've caught up to my GoodReads goal for the year (which I had previously lowered from 100 to 75). I may have to raise it back up at this pace!


Sunday morning

One Good Thing: Sunny days and movement/squeezing from the right hand yesterday!
One Funny Thing: Last night's dream about making nail polish from supplies purchased online was pretty crazy.
One Weird Thing: Listening in the car to an audiobook/lecture called Brain Myths Exploded while Beast is experience brain damage is probably not something most people would do.

One God Thing: "The light of God surrounds me; The love of God enfolds me; The power of God protects me; The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is." (James Dillet Freeman)
One Music Thing: I listened to BPM while driving north yesterday. Completely mindless and perfect. Only recognized one artist--Avicii--and that was just fine.
One Book Thing: Aside from the Brain Myths thing, I didn't do much "reading" at all yesterday, except in bed: still working on the OED book.


Saturday mid-morning

One Good Thing: I've accomplished some stuff this morning, things that have been hanging over me a bit: laundry, dishwasher, putting things away, making calls.... I feel like a productive member of the household. Since I'm currently the only member of the household, that's a Very Good Thing!
One Funny Thing: I spent a good deal of time yesterday considering the possibility of going to the pound and getting a dog. Clearly I'm delusional. I could use some furry love, though.
One Weird Thing: There are two people in my life that I had expected to hear from in the last two weeks for sure. One is a relative; one is a bestie. Radio silence from both. Thank God for all the other truly random people I have heard from, and thank God for my hard-earned newish skill of shrugging off the stuff I can't explain. Mostly, shrugging; I'll admit, it's eating at me a little.

One God Thing: "God's got this." I've been trying to keep that as my mental focal point. I lost track of the thought yesterday and started to TOTALLY FREAK OUT for the first time. I have no control over what's going on in the big picture; I have to keep focused on doing The Next Right Thing and also things that will help me not feel stressed. So I cleaned this morning, a little, and put away clothes, and unpacked boxes, and started mentally preparing myself for a closet culling.
One Music Thing: I haven't listened to "fun" music in a couple of weeks. I don't think I can without sobbing. So, sticking with quiet. Thinking about church tomorrow, and this made me realize there'll be music there. So, either I go prepared to bawl my eyes out, or I don't go at all. I'll consider this on the drive(s) today.
One Book Thing: The "book" that's next up to keep me company while I drive is actually a Modern Scholars course on how the brain works. I'm not sure that was a good choice in terms of relaxation, but it will be a good reminder of things I probably am going to need to know. And soon.


Thursday morning

One Good Thing: I slept a long time last night, pretty much straight through.
One Funny Thing: I'm not feeling the funny this morning.
One Weird Thing: It is strange that I haven't cried in days. I haven't really sobbed at all since this started. There's been some weeping, but no standing in the shower tears. It will come.

One God Thing: I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. —Psalm 34:4 [see above re weird]
One Music Thing: Not feeling the musical vibe lately. Styx and Boston seem to upset Beast, and since those are his two favorite bands, this has disturbed me as much anything else this week.
One Book Thing: I have a pure junk book (series) to read at the hospital now that the infectious protocol has shut down. I've been wanting to read these books by Darynda Jones for awhile, so here's my excuse to binge.


Monday night

One Good Thing: Beast was paying much more attention to his surroundings when I left today. Tonight is his last chance to prove he's alert enough to remove the ventilator. If they aren't convinced in the morning, they'll be putting in a tracheostomy and GI tube and removing the breathing tube.
One Funny Thing: I'm turning into quite a bitch at the hospital. Not with the staff or the nurses, but with other patients' families in the waiting room. So far it's just been under-the-breath muttering.
One Weird Thing: There's just so much weird in my life right now, I don't know where to start.

One God Thing: The one thing I have been absolutely certain about through the past 10 days is that God is holding on to us, even if we don't get why this has to be happening.
One Music Thing: Styx. Just Styx.
One Book Thing: I finished the first audiobook I had in the car, and started the second one today. That's a record for sure.


Saturday morning

One Good Thing: The sun is shining. The one day this week I was the crabbiest was the cloudy, rainy one. Who says weather doesn't affect our moods??
One Funny Thing: Funny-in-the-weird-sense: how Milwaukee continues to be a major part of my life. This was reinforced yet again this week.
One Weird Thing: Oops. Weirdness abounds. Like how the ventilator sounds like a clown car when it goes off.

One God Thing: I'm doing a lot of FROG this week, because what choice do I have?
One Music Thing: I think I will get Spotify back on today and listen to Styx again with Beast. Maybe he'll participate this time....
One Book Thing: I can't read in Beast's room because I have to destroy/clean everything I touch while I'm in there because of C. diff.. I'm reading him magazines and I may snag a People or something from the shop for myself today. I'm still wading through the book on the OED here at home, though.